“Jacobs Transport and Jacobs Autocars each go their own way.” The time has come: after 90 years of living together, the buses and trucks of Jacobs in Genk are definitively separating.
On Thursday 28 April we were chosen for the ‘Digital Truck Award 2022’ of Transportmedia! We are still reminiscing, we have also been literally put in the spotlight by various suppliers and customers, for which thank you!
Genk-based road hauler Jacobs Transport is moving into logistics at the request of its clients. In the course of 2023, the company will start building a 42,000 m² logistics site on the former Ford grounds.
For the first year, we are committed to The Warmest Week! This year’s theme is: ‘Being Who You Are’, because everyone deserves that, don’t you think? The money collected will go to the charity that is linked to this: the ‘DWW Fund’. They will use this for concrete projects around the theme ‘Can Be Who You Are’, which will be executed in 2022.
Genk-based transport company Jacobs continues its growth story. The fleet was expanded with ten new MAN trucks. Another order for ten new MAN trucks has been placed for early 2022.
Mon. – Fri. : 8:30 – 18:00
Saturday: 9:00 – 12:00
Sunday: closed
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