Jacobs Transport (Genk) expands activities into logistics

Genk-based road hauler Jacobs Transport is moving into logistics at the request of its clients. In the course of 2023, the company will start building a 42,000 m² logistics site on the former Ford grounds.

Jacobs Transport from Genk has a fleet of eighty vehicles, two hundred and fifty trailers and employs about one hundred drivers. In recent years, the transport company has experienced growth, and the expansion into logistics activities is a logical consequence of this. “Due to the high raw material prices and the faltering logistics chain, more companies are betting on increased stock, transshipment and handling activities. As a result, the demand for logistics solutions is growing, and we want to capitalize on that,” says Jill Gielen, commercial director at Jacobs Transport.

Trimodal connection

Jacobs Transport therefore recently clarified its option on a 4.2 hectare site on the former Ford site in Genk. There it will set up a 42,000 m² logistics site for various clients. Via rail, water and road, Jacobs Transport can offer a trimodal connection there. “By the end of this year we will have a more concrete picture of the timing, but we want to start construction in 2023,” Gielen explains. “By providing logistics solutions and working in a customized way, we can take the burden off our customers even more.”

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